Segment: a category of subscribers created automatically based on their subscription activity, such as timezone, engagement rate, purchase history, and more

 Automation: a series of pre-written emails that go out automatically in response to a subscriber’s actions, such as an abandoned cart automation; also known as email sequence or autoresponder

 Broadcast: a one-time message you send to groups or segments on your list; also known as newsletters, announcements, promotion

 Optin Form: a signup form where visitors can join your email list; optin forms can be popups, inline, fullscreen, slider, floating and more

 Landing Page: a standalone page containing an optin form people can use to opt into your email list

 How Email Marketing Works

 Wondering how to get started with email marketing? Email marketing is made up of several moving pieces, but that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated. Here’s how it breaks down…

 Start With Your List: The bottom line is that you can’t send out email marketing campaigns if you have no one to send them to. And the other thing to remember is that email marketing won’t work if you don’t have the right people on your list.

 That means you need to capture leads to grow your email list with your target audience. For that, there’s no better tool than OptinMonster:

 OptinMonster is the world’s #1 lead generation software. We empower businesses to create stunning optin campaigns in a matter of minutes with zero coding skills required.

 Then, using our highly advanced targeting rules, you can display these campaigns to the right people at just the right time in their customer journey.

 As a result, you can drastically grow your list with quality leads and see huge increases in your company’s profits. Plus, OptinMonster integrates with over 30 of the most popular email service providers.

 Add an Email Service Provider: An email service provider (ESP) lets you segment your audience, organize your list, and distribute email campaigns to your audience. You can also track the results to improve future campaigns.

 A good ESP should integrate with your other marketing tools so you can turn everything on autopilot as you grow your leads.

 There are a ton of email service providers out there, but we take the guesswork out and make it really easy to choose the right one for you and your goals. A big later in this guide, we’ll list out our favorite ESPs that you can choose from.

 After those two steps, it’s just a matter of refining your lists and your messaging so you’re reaching your audience and really connecting with them. Plus, you’ll be able to set up some automation in your email service which will make things much easier for you.

 What most people do when they want to build an email list is to put an optin form on their website and hope that people sign up. Unfortunately, this strategy usually doesn’t work very well.

 To grow your email list, you need to attract people with a compelling offer. You need a lead magnet.

 A lead magnet (a.k.a. an optin bribe) is something awesome that you give away for free in exchange for an email address. It doesn’t have to cost you anything to create; most lead magnets are digital materials like PDFs, MP3 audio files, or videos that you can create yourself at minimal or no cost.

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 It can be absolutely anything you want, so long as it provides value to your visitors for free.

 For even more lead magnet ideas, check out our list of lead magnet ideas to grow your email list.

 You already know that a lead magnet needs to provide value for free. But if you want your lead magnet to be highly effective, here are 5 criteria for you to consider:

 Easily consumed: Lead magnets are only effective when the audience uses them, so if you deliver a 300-page manifesto, you won’t gain traction.

 Actionable: Lead magnets need to provide an actionable tool, skillset, or useful information that your audience can apply.

 Creates noticeable improvement: People continue to buy products and services if they work well. Your lead magnet will become successful if it’s as valuable as your products and services.

 Relevant: If you’ve done your homework about your prospects, you’ll have no trouble coming up with a lead magnet subject that solves problems.

  Immediately available: People love instant gratification, so give it to them right then and there. Check out 4 Ways to Deliver a Lead Magnet to see how easy it is to get your lead magnet out there using OptinMonster.

 Let’s take a look at a few of the best email marketing lead magnet examples from real-life campaigns.

 At OptinMonster, we share a list of 12 proven strategies for converting abandoning visitors into subscribers.

 Here’s another example of a lead magnet we used as a content upgrade to a specific blog post.

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 Now that you know what a lead magnet is and know how to create a highly-effective one, you’ll need to create your optin form.

 The purpose of your optin form is to convey the big benefit of your lead magnet, so your website visitors subscribe to your email newsletters in exchange for getting the lead magnet.

 To create an optin form that converts, it needs to have the following components:

 Enticing headline: Make sure your headline clearly describes the big benefit of your lead magnet